Deer Isle Yoga Studio

Inversion (Head- and Shoulderstand) Workshop
with Liz

Sorry - that class has been cancelled!

May 6 (Monday)
at 5:00 pm

Class length
75 minutes


For those learning (or wanting a refresher on) headstand and shoulderstand - and their modifications - this workshop is for you! We will learn the set ups for sirsasasna (headstand) and salamba sarvangasana (shoulderstand), which are considered the essential inversion poses in our practice. We'll move step-by-step into the poses and I will assist you in going up (if you need help and if you actually want to go up!). PLEASE NOTE: there are benefits to practicing the early stages of these poses, even if the full pose is not yet accessible. I will also teach variations and alternatives, for those not capable or wanting to do the full poses. It is good to know the options for all poses - especially the inversions, as they or their variations are taught in almost every class.